Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation

Symposium: Cellulose synthesis, structure, matrix interactions and technology

International symposium on the structure of cellulose in primary and secondary cell walls, the mechanism of its synthesis and its interactions with matrix polymers, and new uses of cellulose for energy and material applications. May 16-18, 2013 at Penn State University. 

For more information and registration, see the symposium site at

About the Symposium

This symposium deals with frontier research in the structure of cellulose in primary and secondary cell walls, the mechanism of its synthesis and its interaction with matrix polymers, and new uses of cellulose for energy and material applications. Disciplinary approaches range from molecular genetics, cell biology, physical chemistry and plant physiology to material science, computational biology, chemical engineering, bioinformatics and other ways of understanding this most useful of materials.

In addition to 22 lectures from leaders in these fields, we had workshops and posters, and four additional speakers were selected from contributed abstracts.

Speakers List

Cellulose synthesis & deposition (Chaired by Candace Haigler)

Cellulose structure (Chaired by Seth DeBolt)

Cellulose-matrix interactions (Chaired by Charlie Anderson and Jeffrey Catchmark)

Cell wall structure, mechanics & applications (Chaired by Kenneth Keegstra and Jeffrey Catchmark)

For more information visit or email Daniel Cosgrove (